From the day you were born…
…you were priceless.
Of infinite value.
Not everyone knows that.
We learnt to go along with the notion that people have to DO more or HAVE more to be WORTH more.
Deep inside we know the truth:

This little baby was BORN priceless. (Her value is not defined by this lovely mother nor anyone else.) She is of infinite worth in her own right. She is a unique human life. And so are you.
“Welcome to MINEM, the home of exceptional learning, life-changing conversation, and a fresh approach to the way you handle every day.“
Andrew Sercombe is your MINEM Personal Development Specialist:
0777 163 1945 andrewsercombe@pm.me

Reset your Past
Is that really possible? Oh yes. The way your brain allows you to think about your past – and the meaning you’ve given it – can be changed. For the better. No need to be trapped by what has happened. Phew! Lots of exceptional learning to come.
0777 163 1945 andrewsercombe@pm.me
Refresh the Present
… with life-changing conversation. And maybe you know better than anyone what that might be about. Or not. Let’s do something to ensure you live a worthwhile life again – and enjoy your day.
0777 163 1945 andrewsercombe@pm.me

Redeem your Future
Free to explore and choose – a fresh approach without those energy-sapping nagging concerns. And properly equipped to make the most of the journey ahead. It matters. Together we can create you an attractive future.
0777 163 1945 andrewsercombe@pm.me
“You have in your hands a phone, tablet or keyboard. I’m Andrew Sercombe, MINEM’s Personal Development Specialist. For a confidential conversation with no strings attached, just get in touch with me now. 07771631945 Tell me what has brought you to this web page today, and what you would like to happen. Or not happen. I can help you, so obviously we need to connect up. It’s surprising what good things are brought to life when people like us come together.”
0777 163 1945 andrewsercombe@pm.me