I was tempted to use the word ‘Renew’, or maybe ‘Refine’, to define the process of altering the way a person may feel about a past life and to explain MINEM’s approach to the future, but the word ‘Redeem’ is more accurate. Wherever we go, we take our thoughts about the past with us. A significant proportion of that past was tough, and not to be repeated — and very often not our choice at all. For many clients experiences from the past have been the source of many of our present reactions. How do we shift that ‘stuff’? By re-envisioning it.
Your past is something only you have! It’s a scruffy priceless gift voucher you are tempted to throw away. It is a huge reservoir of resource, but if you think it contains poison, you’ll never want to use it. Here at MINEM we show you how to neutralise the poison, clean up the impurities, and make use of the that priceless Gift Voucher’s potential for you.
A few of my clients may want to renew the past but most don’t. For some it was pretty awful, but REDEEMING it by cleaning up the poisonous meanings we’ve created from it, provides an opportunity to think – SAFELY, in a way that doesn’t bring pain – about some of it again and carry the good stuff forward, use it profitably. There is always good stuff. We can let the bad stuff go, take it out, neutralise it. Sometimes we can even use that accumulated ‘poison’ to heal ourselves by directing it specifically to stuff we DON’T WANT any more: bad attitudes, aggressive characteristics, greed, violence, selfishness, hate, etc.
You want that? I’ll be delighted to help you through the process of redeeming your thoughts about your future.