Some history: Following ten years in secondary education as a teacher of Design Technologies and the next fifteen years leading a local pastoral charity, I retrained and in 2000 founded the personal development service Powerchange. It was a relief that I had discovered something that not only drew on my natural skills and life experience but fitted me perfectly. I loved it, and spent ten years coaching and running year-long coach-training courses in London and the South East, complete with ongoing accreditation.
Today: I’m continually moving further into the personal development field; researching, studying, writing, creating and providing unique coaching conversations for my clients that literally ‘reset’ the way they think and live each day.
I continue to have the amazing privilege of producing changes in a person’s thinking and in their daily life that really work for them – and make every day a better place to be from here on. My work brings me into contact with all sorts of people: doctors, consultants, and other health professionals, leaders of businesses large and very small, managers of every kind, single mums, partners, young people at school and university, those handling retirement – every age, culture and background. Each wants a better, healthier past, present and future for themselves, their work or business, and those who matter to them. I want that for them too.
Locality: Although I also work worldwide, mainly online via Zoom, etc., I actually much prefer face to face meetings, so if we can meet up, all the better. My UK clients can come to my West Sussex office (or we meet in London or another convenient venue) from all over the south of England, and from as far away as the Midlands, Wales and Ireland. Clients usually get in touch having been recommended by a GP or friend.
Specialisms: I’ve worked in personal development for over three decades now. My work has taken me across the world and into the media. I’ve now visited 49 countries and completed workshops in some of them. I’m primarily focused on the individual lives of clients – everyday people like you and me – using highly specialised techniques to bring about a deep sense of fulfilment and a significant sense of wholeness and inner freedom.
‘Check-In with Andrew’: My second role is longer term personal support. I call these appointments ‘Check-Ins’ (not check-ups!) for those clients who have asked me for an ongoing, usually monthly, conversation that is confidential and supportive of both their work and personal life. An independent objective and trustworthy ‘professional friend’.
What else? I love the creative stuff – both in my workshop, watercolour painting, design, and of course in psychology. Alongside my practice commitments my wife Sue and I have three adult children and four grandchildren. One way I relax and take time to think is by being off the beaten track out in the wild. I’ve travelled across most of Europe, either in my camper (up in the Arctic) or on my motorbike, much of it with my BMW 1200GS, sleeping in a tent, camping wild.
And now? I’d love a conversation with you to see what might be possible. Who knows what might happen! Let’s do it. Text or phone me on 0777 163 1945, or email me: andrewsercombe@pm.me – so together we can catch up on how you’d like your world to be.